Mining at The Speed of Lite

Litecash mining is easy.

You can set up your own node for mining, or mine from a pool.

Required Software

Mining cryptocurrency requires mining software. The Litecash community has verified several working miners. Choose one from the list, download, and you'll be ready to get started. If you prefer to use another miner, Litecash will work with miners supporting the beamhashI (equihash 150,5) algorithm.


GMiner 2.33 supports Nvidia (CUDA) GPUs under Windows and Linux


miniZ supports Nvidia (CUDA) GPUs under Windows and Linux

Beam OpenCL Miner

Beam OpenCL supports AMD (OpenCL) GPUs under Windows and Linux

Beam CUDA Miner

Beam CUDA supports Nvidia (CUDA) GPUs under Windows and Linux


Each mining software requires configuration for mining. The normal practice is to create a .bat file (Windows) or .sh file (Linux) to execute the mining software with the proper parameters. The most important details being

  • server address
  • port
  • wallet address

GMiner: miner.exe --algo beamhashI --server <ServerToMine> --port <ServerPort> --proto stratum --ssl 1 --user <WalletAddress> --pass x

miniZ: miniZ.exe --url=ssl://<WalletAddress>@<ServerToMine>:<ServerPort> -p x --par=150,5 --pers=Beam-PoW

Arda ICO

Mining Pools

Mining pools allow multiple miners to connect to a service and share the workload of mining, then divide the block reward among participants according to their share of the work performed. provides a public Litecash mining pool with support for anonymity.

Solo Mining

Mining your own node is quick and easy.

Download the CLI version of Litecash appropriate to your system. Set up your wallet using the CLI wallet application. Export your miner key for the wallet. Add the miner key to litecash-node.cfg, and set the stratum port you wish to use. Generate a self-signed SSL certificate named "stratum.key" in the same folder as litecash-node.cfg. You can now connect your miner to your node.

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